Raiders, really?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Thornhip, Sep 17, 2016.

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  1. #1 Thornhip, Sep 17, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2016
    How many times do i have to get raided before they realize I don't store anything in my bases? All that effort to get to my PvE3 sky-base and for what? They destroyed two doors, one mostly empty locker, a window, the bedroll, and two claim flags (1200bits total damage).

    Times raided:
    - 7 times on PvE1, once on the Sky-base
    - 2 times on PvE3
    - 4 times on PvE8

    What have the raiders got?
    Alot of nothing since the first few times. All they are doing is griefing.
  2. I feel for you. You know I do.
  3. 3 time now on PvE3... the blow up my garden again...

    The only real loss was the car. Again, nothing of value in the lockers.
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