Please Clear Up The Washington PVE 7 Server

Discussion in 'Support' started by KingOfTheDaedra, Jul 11, 2016.

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  1. On that server after about 15 min after the server reset the rubberbanding and lag is unbearable driving is impossible because i keep teleporting back half the distance i drive. Zombies teleport right infront of your face out of no where cause the server cant handle them walking. Could yall possible get on and wipe out all those unused or griefed bases?? please?
  2. We've been there every day clearing abandoned bases and those in violation. The server hit the storage limit thanks to player who ignore the rules. Once that happens it's comparable to a car engine that's been pushed past it's redline. It will run for a bit but it will fail in the very near future. Honestly the only way to prevent a crash every month, short of Nelson actually fixing the problem, is to make the storage limit ridiculously low or start banning players for ignoring the server rules. Neither is a good alternative as we have a decent playerbase with only a handful of violators, however, that handful ruins the server for everyone else. :(
  3. PistolPete, did you remove my base on PVE7? i came back from my 2 weeks vacation, and my sign was posted that i was gone. if u didnt, do u know why it disappeared??
  4. For Risky, the thread hijacker:

    1) I am NOT the only JPH staff member.
    2) I am NOT the only JPH staff member on the DemoTeam.
    3) For the second time in as many threads: Nelson introduced the decay feature almost three months ago. Everything yours despawns at the seven day mark if you do not log in to the server.
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