Insufficient Evidence Player begging for guns and attacking my building

Discussion in 'Insufficient Evidence' started by OfficerKarl, May 29, 2016.

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  1. This player approached me, apparently after spawning saying he needed a gun. I offered him some food, but he refused and began hitting my door repeatedly. I offered him a gun to leave, but then he stuck around for a few seconds before walking off. I want to stop him from bothering other players, so I posted this.

    His name in game is "Sn0w :3 The Blue Profile Guy" and I've included a picture of him hitting my door with the name showing. You can also see the chat relating to his begging. I entered his name into Steam ID Finder and this is the page it linked to:

    Thanks for the help, I hope he doesn't bother anyone else.

    Attached Files:

    • Informative Informative x 1
  2. too many guys like this tbh, fortunately they are thinned down when it comes to the yukon servers, they'd just blow up your house instead though
  3. I see a player knocking on a door. Annoying but he will not break it by knocking. Then you volunteer to give him guns and ammo. That's not begging. Insufficient evidence for now.
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