One vehicle rule?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Babblefisherman, Sep 15, 2016.

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  1. I'm playing on a PvE server. I was told by a mod (I think), that we could only have one vehicle per base/group. I don't see this in the rules, or my screen isn't working well. Is this true? Is there a reason, cuz we like having our own vwhicles, or else we just won't group. Which is counter productive if u ask me. Thanks!
  2. It is a rule. One vehicle per base/group. It's so that other vehicles can spawn into the map. If someone hordes 5 vehicles and then another person hordes and so on new people wont be able to find a vehicle. So if it's one vehicle per group/base then that gives everyone a chance to get a vehicle.
  3. What if they are both makeshift vehicles?
  4. They still count against the total number of vehicles the game spawns. 28 makeshifts = zero game vehicles spawned.

    If it's that big of a problem the you should complain to Nelson. He's the one who coded the maximum number of vehicles that spawn into the game.

    When players were allowed to buy vehicles (including makeshifts) we ended up with over 150 vehicles hoarded away on a couple of servers. One server crashed flat-out thanks to the used car dealership.
  5. How do they run pvp servers? I've seen those with many vehicles owned by a single person.
    Whatever I'm done with this server anyways.
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