Insufficient Evidence JPH PvE1 - Unturned Griefing Report

Discussion in 'Insufficient Evidence' started by TimmyStar, May 23, 2016.

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  1. First things first: I can't access ban reports. Okay? Maybe *cough* someone *cough* could fix it? Also, I am aware this could be insufficient evidence and it's not my fault. Don't hurt me! Thanks.
    Also, I'm speaking for Kawaii Fresh.

    Unturned IGN: khfahd201
    Steam ID64: 76561198234734316

    Witnesses: 4field

    Evidence [Screenshots]-
    (**All the evidence Kawaii Fresh had)

    Server: PVE1
    Reason: Griefing
    Punishment: Not sure due to the new rule ban times. One says 24 hours and one says 3 days...
  2. I have also had problems with this person destroying my cars
  3. Timmy: Contact Max about your forum permissions. If you witnessed this then it it a three day ban. The screenshots do not show a player name. If there was one we could easily compare the clothing and loadout and get a match.
  4. Timmy: Did you witness this event? If you did not then we have insufficient evidence.
  5. No, I did not witness the event; I'll mark this as insufficient evidence.
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