
Discussion in 'Support' started by Swordking123, Jul 6, 2016.

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  1. #1 Swordking123, Jul 6, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2016
    So, I spent a day playing the server and making a base and when I come back a few hours later a floor and a wall are missing, along with 4 crates fill with some things, a torch, my shotgun was stolen from the display case, and my claim flag was gone. R.I.P. base. Is there any way I can have any of this stuff restored? I had a cobra, a compound bow, a shotgun, lots of random ass ammo (this I don't think you could get just get me ammo for the shotty and cobra), some seeds, a legendary spec ops top, among other things. This happened on PvE4, just North of Confederation Bridge.
  2. yes this happens pretty often, but dont despair, mods will find them eventually
  3. Find them? Someone already took care of the person who did it. I would just like to get my stuff back.
  4. Let me also say, I logged in again today, and my house was expanded and someone took it over. So much for your community being PvE, I can't log out or leave for more than an hour without losing everything. You need more and better staff because clearly the rules are not being enforced at all.
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