Griefed? House Missing.

Discussion in 'Support' started by Ockman, Jul 20, 2016.

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  1. I started playing on Pve8 today, and I was just getting enough things to set up a base. I built a little platform under the bridge south of Shelton Farm, placed a claim flag, and my bedroll. I get dinner and come back (house is fine) and I go to Everett and back. when I look under the bridge my house is almost completely gone save for two foundations.

    No clue who griefed my house or if it's just a glitch, but this happened less than ten minutes ago so I wanted to report it. I had no storage of any kind so nothing was lost.

    East side of the bridge: one foundation sticking out
    West side: same deal, a single foundation
    There is a house with a claim flag near me but I checked the range and I was not too close to him for his claim flag to be a problem.

    I don't want a refund or anything, but I would like to know if it's safe to build here. Maybe i was too close and that's why my house is gone idk.
  2. Also I think my steam name is actually "rildmore" if that helps in any way. "Ockman" is just my display name in game.
  3. If this was the pine base attached to the bridge it was cleared by the DemoTeam. Bases may not be built in, on or attached to any permanent structure in the game. It shouldn't be close enough that players can umbrella down from the brige above. A good rule of thumb is that if a claim flag overlaps a permanent structure, or zombies can reach your base, then it is too close and will be removed.
  4. I specifically looked in the rules to see if there was anything wrong with building there, but now that I know I will not build under the bridge again. Thank you for the clarification.
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