Fix the word censoring!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nate098, Nov 4, 2015.

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  1. So yeah as a mod for many things myself I have dealt with creating censored word lists, ban words etc. but it is never a issue in the long run this is the first time I have ever had a issue with it, why well I bet everyone would assume that that if he is saying a bad word in Unturned and he has been muted then thats the punishment, accept that isn't the case I was muted for saying "ass" by using the words "Assume, assist, and pass" only because in those words the word "ass" can be found and is a really dumb reason to mute a player, try sitting down and making it so this does not happen I can't even say hey I am sitting in a class right now with out getting censored or I am in one of the classrooms in the school on this map etc so on so forth, try looking into the issue.
  2. I believe that you raise a good point I will put it down to be added to the list of topics on the next staff meeting.
  3. Glad I could provide this information the servers you guys provide are fantastic so only seems right to point out these minor issues
  4. We need this feedback to make the servers better for the community and welcome any suggestions, I personally look at all suggestions and if relevant then I will take it to Keith (My boss)
  5. That great that you are very pro active about it, if I find anything else I can notify you guys if it, btw if you don't mind me asking any chance you could guess when my mod application would be checked?
  6. we have had some server promotions as we had a lot of staff We hope to start looking at staff apps soon.
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