Rejected Boom grenade

Discussion in 'Rejected' started by TheMutantHotDog, Apr 13, 2016.

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  1. Andresescobar26(M&F) Stole a mega zombie kill from my group. My friend picked up the loot and the guy got mad so he threw a grenade in a little sudo base/zombie killing area we made. Screenshot (4) is him throwing the grenade. Screenshot (6) is his name. Screenshot (4).png Screenshot (6).png
  2. #3 {WC}PistolPete, Apr 14, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2016
    Loot on the ground: Up for grabs. You can ask for some courtesy from other players that they leave the stuff for you but there's no guarantee that they will.

    The pseudo-base: Built at the back of the Summerside Military Base. It's just that. It's not a base. This was not an enclosed structure. No floor, walls, doors or roof. This was just a bunch of barricades and platforms built to protect you from the horde generator zombies.

    I was there later in the night when everyone died because the platforms were too low.

    No violation.
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