Unturned Changes

Discussion in 'News Archive' started by Cory, Feb 26, 2019.

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  1. Cory


    Dec 5, 2012
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    Hello Players!

    It’s that time again, I’d have to inform you that we are going to making some adjustments to our network as the player base to keep all the servers online is no longer there.

    What’s changing?
    • We are removing Hawaii and Germany maps on PvE.

    • We are adding France (PvE4) to PvE.

    • We are moving the Russia map from PvE9 to PvE6.

    • We are removing all of PvP servers, except for:

    • We are keeping PvP1. However, the Russia map (Current PvP6) will take its place.

    • We are keeping 4 arena servers. 2x Paintball and 2x Monolith


    Buildings / Items and Money
    Your building, items, and money will be not reset. The servers we are removing your items and building will be gone. However, your best option would be to sell your items to the shop.

    These changes will take place on Monday, March 11th, 2019.

    Kind Regards,
    - Cory
    • Agree Agree x 1
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