Discussion in 'General' started by Sporty, Aug 23, 2015.

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  1. Sporty

    Sporty Citizen

    Jan 4, 2015
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    Hello guys, I just want to give you guys a quick update on me. I was promoted to Sr.Mod thefore I have been giving some new powers. Altho I will not tell you which powers I will tell you that I will use these powers for good. Make sure to be on to see me on I try to hang out in PvP 2 and PvE1 But I Jump around every once in a while. We also got some new Probies and Moderators so be sure to give them some love and don't be frightened when you see new blue faces. So if one of you wishes to apply for staff go ahead and you might get accepted who knows. Thanks for taking the time to read this. If you comment I may respond. :) Love all around.
    • Sexy Sexy x 2
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