Rejected Griefing

Discussion in 'Rejected' started by Renet Peygone, Jun 24, 2015.

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  1. Renet Peygone

    Renet Peygone Citizen

    Jun 19, 2015
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    Carmelosius entered mine and my sister's base, was told to leave and would not, attempted to steal and destroy multiple cars by driving them into the ocean. 1 was destroyed in the ocean, 1 was destroyed on the beach (it was blown up by being hit), 1 was destroyed in our garage attached to our base, blown up by them hitting it. They then stole items and attempted to get into our locked upstairs room by trying to destroy the prison door and walls. They were told via chat and mic to stop, and to leave, but they wouldn't and wouldn't reply. We did our best to keep them unable to break the door, by destroying the stairs. They said something very crude, and a little gibberish at the end.

    This is on the PEI PVE2 server.
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