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Aug 24, 2017 at 8:08 PM
Dec 27, 2013
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Georgia, USA

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, Male, from Georgia, USA

Staff Member Admin ELITE
Keith was last seen:
Aug 24, 2017
    1. skyfrost360
      Hey Kenith, please check out my ban appeal if you have time, one of your staff members is behaving abusive.. I was banned wrongly and would like for some other staff, rather himself(because he thinks hes right for his actions), to see my ban appeal. I really enjoy the server and wish to be back.. I was banned over a miss understanding? Pleas echeck when you have the time, much appreciated -skyfrost360
    2. darkarcher1
      its been 3 weeks where have you been keith:( sorry if i sound rude
      1. Grandma likes this.
    3. wes gray
      wes gray
      can i do another staff app?
    4. astrophysics4.0
      1. darkarcher1 likes this.
      2. Kevie
        Please stop spamming on to a staff members page or action will be taken
        Sep 7, 2015
    5. astrophysics4.0
      plz stop denying my staff applction i want to be admin to help others plz plz plz man plz
      1. darkarcher1 likes this.
    6. turt47
      hey are you the one i talked with about my app when u gave me some bits the other day
      1. darkarcher1 likes this.
      2. Kevie
        Sep 6, 2015
    7. The ScoutPro
      The ScoutPro
      Also, this happened on JustPlayHere | PVE #2
      1. darkarcher1 likes this.
    8. The ScoutPro
      The ScoutPro
      Hi, I'm here to report staff member kchrist368 for kicking and then banning my friend for saying "tony shat up". The length of the ban was "3600"? kchrist368 also has the spelling of a four year old.
      -The Scout Pro.
      1. darkarcher1 likes this.
    9. m215411251
      Hi, Keith! I want to report a admin named "zglass", he was teleport to my sky house and open my storage. I asked him why he do that but he just gives me "huh" and threat me he will blow up my house. However, after that night when I log in pvp2, my house was bombed.
      Zglass" is a bad egg of the community. He is trying to destroy our nice server. Here is the evidence of "Zglass" (
      1. darkarcher1 likes this.
    10. Solitude
      1. darkarcher1 likes this.
    11. Solitude
      Another one is zglass, he suddenly appears in my SKY HOUSE, stole my items from storage.
      1. darkarcher1 likes this.
    12. Solitude
      em_ms stole my car when I trying to refuel the car, I did not hear any footsteps, when I chase it up, I saw his name em-ms.
      1. darkarcher1 likes this.
    13. Solitude
      Hi Keith, I just want to report two staffs due to their abuse, em_ms and zglass.
      1. darkarcher1 likes this.
    14. Zak Siraj
      Zak Siraj
      Part 2 of 2
      I don't know why it says I don't have the hours but I do and would like to know the exact amount of time I have on Just play here.
      Thanks so much,
    15. Zak Siraj
      Zak Siraj
      Part 1 of 2
      Hey keith it is me snoweyy47 again and I was just asking about my recently denied application. I sent in my application a week ago and it was declined because I didn't have 50 hrs on record? I have 75hrs on record and 50 hrs on Justplayhere while I have 10hrs on sp and 15hrs on other mp servers.
    16. Zak Siraj
      Zak Siraj
      part 3 of 3 Then he got help from em_ms who used the permission to go invisible, was in his group, and tried to kill me. I talked to cpt. kev about the issue and he said to go here and tell you about it. Thank you
    17. Zak Siraj
      Zak Siraj
      She abused her powers and tried to kill me. At first zglass seemed like a nice person then he blew me up, stole my stuff, and blew up my base while i was in his group and then kicked myself and a friend from the group.
    18. Zak Siraj
      Zak Siraj
      This is part 1 of 3. Hey keith! This is snoweyy47. I just want you to know this is an urgent issue about the admin em_ms abusing her power (this event happened two days ago) to help zglass kill me and pose as a hacker.
      1. Kevie
        he came to me with this i told him to post it here
        Aug 27, 2015
    19. bossbot231gaming
      hey keith if you read this please see my second application ( i have taken your advice and hope my application reaches standards you are looking for ) thank you,
    20. Harry Williams
      Harry Williams
      Hi Keith,
      I think there might be an issue with PvE1 as it keeps glitching and people have to exit and rejoin.
      Many thanks,
      Harry Williams.
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    Georgia, USA